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Build Memo Y24: AI-Powered Talent Acquisition

Build Memo: Build Club Accelerator Y24

Fairgo.ai: AI-Powered Talent Acquisition

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ  Efficiently screen candidates using live conversational video interviews | ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป Website

Hey, Iโ€™m Julian, the founder of Fairgo.ai๐Ÿ‘‹

I'm building Fairgo.ai to revolutionise the hiring process by using AI to screen candidates through live conversational video interviews.

Julian, founder of Fairgo

๐Ÿค” The Problem

Hiring quality candidates quickly is hard; many hiring managers struggle with this challenge. I've experienced it firsthand during my 20+ years in technology. At my most recent company, Predibase, I spent nearly three months hiring our first cloud infrastructure engineer. During my four years at Amazon, I participated in many hiring interviews or โ€œloops,โ€ witnessing a well-honed process that resulted in only 5% of applicants landing a job. Additionally, my six years at SEEK involved building products to improve search and recommendations for millions of candidates and hirers.

When an employer posts a new job ad online, they often receive hundreds or thousands of applications but only end up interviewing a small fraction of candidates in the pipeline. This volume increase is partly due to candidates using technology to tailor and automate the application process, making it difficult to differentiate between qualified candidates.

Our AI agent can interview all relevant candidates using live conversational video interviews. This provides candidates with the opportunity to demonstrate their experience by answering a series of questions relevant to the role, supported by follow-up questions, capturing more data than high-level screening phone calls or traditional one-way video interviews.

The whole process is not only faster but fairer as it reduces the unconscious bias prevalent in many traditional hiring practices.

๐Ÿ’ก The Solution

Fairgo.ai is revolutionizing the hiring process with our AI talent acquisition platform, designed to cut through the noise, eliminate bias, and help you fill roles faster with the right candidates.

Our platform offers real-time interactive screening with human avatars, asking probing questions and allowing candidates to ask their own. Unlike traditional methods, we engage thoroughly with every candidate to identify the best matches and provide every applicant with constructive feedback and a positive experience of your employer brand.

With just one click, our platform creates customizable screening interviews from your job ads. Candidates complete video interviews at their convenience, and you receive detailed insights, including reasons to hire or not hire, supported by video excerpts for every question and candidate. Plus, it integrates with your ATS, streamlining your existing process so you can get started in just a few minutes.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ How Do We Do It?

  • Interactive Screening: Real-time video interviews with human avatars.

  • Customizable Interviews: Create interviews from job ads with one click.

  • Detailed Insights: Receive insights with video excerpts for every question and candidate.

  • ATS Integration: Seamlessly integrate with your existing systems.

โ“ Why Me?

It's personal.

My domain experience in HR comes from six years at SEEK, where I led machine learning teams in building search & matching products, followed by four years at Amazon, where I interviewed candidates across various roles, learning the secrets of their successful hiring practices. I have deep technical skills in Generative AI, having worked for 2.5 years at US startup Predibase, building their platform to fine-tune and serve LLMs. I am leveraging my network to identify design partners for early customers and pursuing several options to bring on additional resources to support a go-to-market strategy.

๐Ÿ™ The Ask

Spread the word: Hiring with AI isnโ€™t scary; it works and saves time. We all know someone who is hiring; send them to fairgo.ai to request access and mention Build Club for a discount.

Grad programs: We would love intros to folks in Big 4 consultancy or other large enterprises that run grad programs. We know this is where a lot of innovation starts from.

Helpful links:

You can reach out directly to Julian.